Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Dansk opskrift....

Se hvad jeg fandt... jeg havde glemt alt om disse laekre kugler.... (min barndom kom susende tilbage til mig da jeg fandt denne opskrift, jeg kan naesten smage dem..)

ca. 25 stk.

100 gram smør. 3 dl havregryn, 1,5 dl flormelis, 3 spsk kakao, 1-2 spsk
fløde, kokosmel.

Bland alle ingredienserne sammen til en sammenhængende dej. Tril kugler ved
hjælp af en ske og rul dem i kokosmel.
Stil dem i køleskabet til de er blevet faste, ca. 1/2 time.

For andre opskrifter fra din barndom gaa paa Smafolk's hjemmeside og find opskrifter.

And for our English friends:

Oatmeal rolls
ca. 25 pcs.

100 g butter. 3 dl oatmeal, 1,5 dl icing sugar, 3 tablespoon cocoa, 1-2 tablespoon cream, desiccated coconut.

Mix all the ingridients to a dough. Roll balls with a spoon and roll them in the deiccated coconut.
Put them in the fridge till they are firm, about ½ hour.

For more ideas of what to make go to

Friday, 18 September 2009

LALE' at Bibi Klamer

You may already have heard about a french company called Lale'.
They make the most fantastic items in stunning patterned fabrics.
Children's suitcases, purses, gym bags, sleeping bags and guitar cases etc...

We have bought a small selection here at Bibi Klamer and can be found on

Like us, we are sure you will love it!

Friday, 11 September 2009

Eco friendly playhouse...

Wow - we came across this website today and we love it!!!

What fantastic idea... and even if you can't afford (or justify..) the money, it would be worth showing to DIY dad - surely he would have a go.....

The ladys name is Judith Needham - check out her website
we love it here at Bibi Klamer...

Monday, 7 September 2009

New products coming soon...

Christmas is lurking around the corner (I know...scary..) so we headed to the NEC in Birmingham this week to see what we could find for the shop...

After walking several miles around this huge fair we can announce that we have some fab products coming..

One of the things that we loved the most was the
self assemble T-Rex lamp - super cool for kids rooms...

Should be arriving soon and we will off course add it to the website as soon as it does.

Another fab find was these gorgeous french toys - a bit on the expensive side but worth the money and really nice quality.

Other finds include stocking fillers from Rex and these fun memo boards, ideal for jotting down all the little things you need to remember or for kids rooms.

It can hang almost anywhere so it is always close at hand.

Chalky comes with everything you need.

So all in all quite a successful day and we can't wait to share all these new goodies with you...

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